Wandelgids The Mourne mountains | Knife Edge

30 epic walks in Northern Ireland's highest mountains. ​  The only Mournes guidebook with Real OSNI Maps inside (1:25k): no need to carry separate maps!  The only Mournes guidebook written by a local walker with decades of experience. Also includes: Numbered waypoints linking the Real Maps to our clear descriptions. Graded routes to suit all abilities. Everything the hiker needs to know: route descriptions, difficulty, weather, how to get there, and more. 4 different ways to summit Slieve Donard, Northern Ireland's highest peak. The 21 mile Mourne Wall challenge walk .List of Irish place names. Information on Wildlife, Plants & Geology. Game of Thrones film locations. Section on accommodation


EAN: 9781912933037

Uitgeverij: Knife Edge

Verschijningsdatum: 2019

Meest recente editie


136 pagina's

EAN: 9781912933037

Uitgeverij: Knife Edge

Verschijningsdatum: 2019


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